Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Stocking Up & Warming Up

We needed to prep for our trip to Vegas this weekend for Slightly Dangerous and to celebrate Big Gee's 90th birthday. So the fam took a trip to costco to stock up on the essentials....LIQUOR! We all know that drinks are not cheap in Vegas, it's highway robbery!

Before getting our bulk-shopping on, we grabbed some inexpensive yet yummy grub at the food court. Everyone has been hyping up the Carne Asada bake, so I had to get it. It's really kinda ehh. It needs like hot sauce or something.
Look who I found, in his signature sleeping pose.
I don't know how I feel about this packaging. I can't bring myself to buy a throw that depicts the animal who lost all of it's coat for me. Such a brave lil sheep.
After stocking up on gallons of alcohol, we took a trip over to Barona to warm up our gaming skills.
This is my favorite slot at Barona, Sex in the City. Although on this particular night, Carrie wasn't been so nice. I lost $60 playing =( But I invested in Klev at the War table and he won me $100! So I went home up $40. Not amazing, but I got back the money I spent on liquor at Costco. Speaking of which, are you aware that you don't need a Costco membership card when you buy ONLY liquor? Now you know, go get drunk.
This is what I look forward to at Barona. Mix the Sprite and Pink Lemonade, you can thank me later.

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