Saturday, August 2, 2008

Meat feast (Monday July 28th, 2008)

Today Christine called out sick from work so we can hang since she's starting her new jobby job this week.  We were either going to watch a movie or eat at Rei Do Gado.  We went for the meat fest because they have a $16 lunch special that's only available on weekdays, and we pretty much never have a weekday together.  Caren also joined us since she's on summer vacation from her crazy school kids.
"Hands down" the coolest hand dryer i've ever seen.
After loading up on protein at Rei Do Gado, we walked around downtown to digest, and ended up at Ghiardelli's for some ice cream.  I know what you're thinking, and yes I went to the gym later that day.
They did a pretty good job renovating the Balboa theatre.

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