Saturday, August 2, 2008

the edROC x Christang pie (July 26th, 2008)

I've been craving a home cooked pizza for quite some time now.  It's been awhile since i've made a boboli pizza.  Since the debut I was scheduled to DJ today got cancelled I had nothing to do.  So me and Christine went down to Ralph's to pick up ingredients to make my pizza.  It ended up costing us $30!!!  We thought we wasted our money and should've just ordered one from Round Table or something.  But to our surprise it was actually VERY good.  And we had left over ingredients, which we could probably make 5 more pizzas with.

Ingredients:  Boboli crust, roasted garlic marinara, mozzerella, chipotle cheddar, fresh tomatoes, red onions, italian dry salami, pepperoni, and topped with ricotta cheese and pesto.

Step #2:  Bake at 450 degrees for 10 minutes.

and wah-la....our scrumptious creation.  Orders are being accepted, $30 a pie.

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